Customer Comments Form

We are here to serve you and we would appreciate you letting us know how we're doing! We want to know how we can improve your shopping experience as well.
Name:     E-Mail:     Phone:
How do you prefer we respond to you:
Email Telephone
Will you use the Internet to order items to pickup:
Yes No
Are you pleased with the Deli Department:
Yes No
Are you pleased with the Meat Department::
Yes No
Are you pleased with the Produce Department:
Yes No
Are staff members helpful and courteous:
Yes No
Do you get checked out quickly:
Yes No
Would you drop off UPS packages here:
Yes No
Would you use Western Union services:
Yes No
Would you pay utility bills here:
Yes No
Please share any overall  
comments or suggestions  
you may have for us:  
Thanks very much for your time!